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Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel
Exploration of interpretability techniques for deep COVID-19 classification using chest X-ray images
Chatterjee, Soumick; Saad, Fatima; Sarasaen, Chompunuch; Ghosh, Suhita; Krug, Valerie; Khatun, Rupali; Mishra, Rahul; Desai, Nirja; Radeva, Petia; Rose, Georg; Stober, Sebastian; Speck, Oliver; Nürnberger, Andreas
In: Journal of imaging - Basel : MDPI, Bd. 10 (2024), Heft 2, Artikel 45, insges. 22 S.
Many-option collective decision making - discrete collective estimation in large decision spaces
Shan, Qihan; Mostaghim, Sanaz
In: Swarm intelligence - New York, NY [u.a.] : Springer . - 2024 [Online first]
Deterministic drag modelling for spherical particles in Stokes regime using data-driven approaches
Elmestikawy, Hani; Reuter, Julia; Evrard, Fabien; Mostaghim, Sanaz; Wachem, Berend
In: International journal of multiphase flow - Oxford : Pergamon Press, Bd. 178 (2024), Artikel 104880, insges. 13 S.
Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel
Interpretable ontology extension in chemistry
Glauer, Martin; Memariani, Adel; Neuhaus, Fabian; Mossakowski, Till; Hastings, Janna
In: Semantic web - Amsterdam : IOS Press . - 2023, insges. 22 S. [Online first]
Receding horizon cost-aware adaptive sampling for environmental monitoring
Westermann, Johannes; Mayer, Jana; Petereit, Janko; Noack, Benjamin
In: IEEE control systems letters - New York, NY : IEEE, Bd. 7 (2023), S. 1069-1074
Evaluating AI courses - a valid and reliable instrument for assessing artificial-intelligence learning through comparative self-assessment
Laupichler, Matthias Carl; Aster, Alexandra; Perschewski, Jan-Ole; Schleiss, Johannes
In: Education Sciences - Basel : MDPI, Bd. 13 (2023), Heft 10, Artikel 978, insges. 12 S.
AI course design planning framework - developing domain-specific AI education courses
Schleiss, Johannes; Laupichler, Matthias Carl; Raupach, Tobias; Stober, Sebastian
In: Education Sciences - Basel : MDPI, Bd. 13 (2023), Heft 9, Artikel 954, insges. 18 S.
Landscape analysis of multi-objective control of fluidized beds
Jamil, Iffat; Mostaghim, Sanaz; Wachem, Berend; Chéron, Victor; Hausmann, Max
In: Proceedings of the Companion Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation - New York, NY, United States : Association for Computing Machinery . - 2023, S. 1950-1955 [Konferenz: Companion Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, GECCO '23 Companion, Lisbon, Portugal, July 15 - 19, 2023]
Die Nutzung der Curriculumwerkstatt im Rahmen der Curriculumentwicklung - Leitfaden und Praxisbeispiel
Bieber, Michelle; Manukjan, Anke; Schleiß, Johannes; Neumann, Fabian; Pohlenz, Philipp
In: Handbuch Qualität in Studium, Lehre und Forschung - Berlin : DUZ Verlags- und Medienhaus GmbH, Bd. 84 (2023), S. 97-118
CHIASM-Net - artificial intelligence-based direct identification of chiasmal abnormalities in albinism
Puzniak, Robert Jerzy; Prabhakaran, Gokulraj; McLean, Rebecca J.; Stober, Sebastian; Ather, Sarim; Proudlock, Frank A.; Gottlob, Irene; Dineen, Robert A.; Hoffmann, Michael
In: Investigative ophthalmology & visual science - Rockville, Md. : ARVO, Bd. 64 (2023), Heft 13, Artikel 14, insges. 9 S.
Deep learning based tomosynthesis denoising - a bias investigation across different breast types
Eckert, Dominik; Wicklein, Julia; Herbst, Magdalena; Dwars, Stephan; Ritschl, Ludwig; Kappler, Steffen; Stober, Sebastian
In: Journal of medical imaging - [Bellingham, Wash.] : SPIE, Bd. 10 (2023), Heft 6, Artikel 064003
Effects of different types of guidance on students’ motivation and learning in a remote laboratory in computer science
Hawlitschek, Anja; Dietrich, André; Zug, Sebastian
In: Computer science education - London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Bd. 33 (2023), Heft 3, S. 375-399
Survey on multi-objective task allocation algorithms for IoT networks
Weikert, Dominik; Steup, Christoph; Mostaghim, Sanaz
In: Sensors - Basel : MDPI, Bd. 23 (2023), Heft 1, Artikel 142, insges. 23 S.
Distributed range-only localization that preserves sensor and navigator privacies
Ristic, Marko; Noack, Benjamin; Hanebeck, Uwe D.
In: IEEE transactions on automatic control / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - New York, NY : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Bd. 68 (2023), Heft 12, S. 7151-7163
Dynamic optimization of role concepts for role-based access control using evolutionary algorithms
Anderer, Simon; Kempter, Tobias; Scheuermann, Bernd; Mostaghim, Sanaz
In: SN Computer Science - Singapore : Springer Singapore, Bd. 4 (2023), Artikel 416, insges. 17 S.
Evolutionary algorithm for parameter optimization of context steering agents
Dockhorn, Alexander; Kirst, Martin; Mostaghim, Sanaz; Wieczorek, Martin; Zille, Heiner
In: IEEE transactions on games - New York, NY : IEEE, Bd. 15 (2023), Heft 1, S. 26-35
Discriminative feature learning through feature distance loss
Schlagenhauf, Tobias; Lin, Yiwen; Noack, Benjamin
In: Machine vision and applications - Berlin : Springer, Bd. 34 (2023), Heft 2, Artikel 25, insges. 13 S.
Emo-StarGAN - a semi-supervised any-to-many non-parallel emotion-preserving voice conversion
Ghosh, Suhita; Das, Arnab; Sinha, Yamini; Siegert, Ingo; Polzehl, Tim; Stober, Sebastian
In: Interspeech 2023 - International Speech and Communication Association ; Harte, Naomi, S. 2093-2097 [Konferenz: INTERSPEECH 2023, Dublin, Ireland, 20-24 August 2023]
Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel
Green storage - parallel file systems on ARM
Erxleben, Timm Leon; Duwe, Kira; Saak, Jens; Köhler, Martin; Kuhn, Michael
In: International Journal on Advances in Software - [S.l.] : IARIA, Bd. 15 (2022), Heft 3&4, S. 200-210
Ontology development is consensus creation, not (merely) representation
Neuhaus, Fabiana; Hastings, Janna
In: Applied ontology - Amsterdam : IOS Press, Bd. 17 (2022), Heft 4, S. 495-513
Behaviour change techniques taxonomy v1 - feedback to inform the development of an ontology
Corker, Elizabeth; Marques, Marta; Johnston, Marie; West, Robert; Hastings, Janna; Michie, Susan
In: Wellcome open research - London : Wellcome Trust, Bd. 7 (2022), Artikel 211, insges. 13 S.
Carbon nanotube-based reinforced polymers for medical applications - improving impact strength of polymer-polymer composites
AL-Maatoq, Marwah; Fuentealba, Patricio; Fachet, Melanie; Glüge, Rainer; Ali, Salah H. R.; Hoeschen, Christoph
In: Journal of nanomaterials - New York, NY : Hindawi Publ., Bd. 2022 (2022), Artikel 1760198, insges. 15 S.
Availability-aware multiobjective task allocation algorithm for internet of things networks
Weikert, Dominik; Steup, Christoph; Mostaghim, Sanaz
In: IEEE internet of things journal / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - New York, NY : IEEE, Bd. 9 (2022), Heft 15, S. 12945-12953
Active multitask learning with uncertainty-weighted loss for coronary calcium scoring
Föllmer, Bernhard; Biavati, Federico; Wald, Christian; Stober, Sebastian; Ma, Jackie; Dewey, Marc; Samek, Wojciech
In: Medical physics - Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, Bd. 49 (2022), Heft 11, S. 7262-7277
Semi-automatic acquisition of datasets for retail recognition
Filax, Marco; Gonschorek, Tim; Ortmeier, Frank
In: Journal of WSCG - Plzen : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], Bd. 30 (2022), Heft 1-2, S. 86-94 [Konferenz: 30. Jubilee International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2022]
Developing and using ontologies in behavioural science - addressing issues raised
Michie, Susan; Hastings, Janna; Johnston, Marie; Hankonen, Nelli; Wright, Alison J.; West, Robert
In: Wellcome open research - London : Wellcome Trust, Bd. 7 (2022), Artikel 222, insges. 8 S.
Data-aware compression for HPC using machine learning
Plehn, Julius; Fuchs, Anna; Kuhn, Michael; Lüttgau, Jakob; Ludwig, Thomas
In: ACM SIGOPS operating systems review / Association for Computing Machinery - New York, NY : ACM, Bd. 56 (2022), Heft 1, S. 62-69
Towards identification of biometric properties in blood flow sounds using neural networks and saliency maps
Henze, Jasmin; Fuentealba, Patricio; Salvi, Rutuja; Sahare, Natasha; Bisgin, Pinar; Burmann, Anja; Illanes, Alfredo; Friebe, Michael
In: Current directions in biomedical engineering - Berlin : De Gruyter, Bd. 8 (2022), Heft 2, S. 540-543
Noise-resistant and scalable collective preference learning via ranked voting in swarm robotics
Shan, Qihao; Mostaghim, Sanaz
In: Swarm intelligence - New York, NY [u.a.] : Springer . - 2022, insges. 22 S. [Online first]
On the generative capacity of contextual grammars with strictly locally testable selection languages
Dassow, Jürgen; Truthe, Bianca
In: Electronic proceedings in theoretical computer science - Sydney : NICTA, Bd. 367 (2022), S. 65-80
Social Work Research Map – ein niederschwelliger Zugang zu internationalen Publikationen der Sozialen Arbeit
Ghanem, Christian; Kirchheim, Konstantin; Eckl, Markus
In: Soziale Passagen - Wiesbaden : VS, Verl. für Sozialwissenschaften/GWV-Fachverl., Bd. 14 (2022), Heft 2, S. 475-484
Operational complexity and Pumping lemmas
Dassow, Jürgen; Jecker, Ismael
In: Acta informatica - Berlin : Springer, Bd. 59 (2021), S. 337-355
The orbit of closure-involution operations - the case of Boolean functions
Dassow, Jürgen
In: Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie - Berlin : Springer, Bd. 63 (2022), S. 321-334
Toward an ontology of tobacco, nicotine and vaping products
Cox, Sharon; West, Robert; Notley, Caitlin; Soar, Kirstie; Hastings, Janna
In: Addiction - Oxford [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell . - 2022, insges. 12 S.
More phenomenology in psychiatry? - applied ontology as a method towards integration
Larsen, Rasmus R.; Maschião, Luca F.; Piedade, Valter L.; Messas, Guilherme; Hastings, Janna
In: The lancet
Analysis of inter and intra-front operations in multi-modal multi-objective optimization problems
Javadi, Mahrokh; Mostaghim, Sanaz
In: Natural computing - Dordrecht : Springer Science + Business Media B.V. . - 2022, insges. 16 S. [Online first]
Content queries and in-depth analysis on version-controlled software
Squar, Jannek; Schroeter, Niclas; Fuchs, Anna; Kuhn, Michael; Ludwig, Thomas
In: Procedia computer science - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, Bd. 207 (2022), S. 1261-1270 [Konferenz: 26th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, KES2022, Verona, Italy, 7-9 September 2022]
Automated performance analysis tools framework for HPC programs
Keiff, Maximillian; Voigt, Frederic; Fuchs, Anna; Kuhn, Michael; Squar, Jannek; Ludwig, Thomas
In: Procedia computer science - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, Bd. 207 (2022), S. 1067-1076 [Konferenz: 26th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, KES2022, Verona, Italy, 7-9 September 2022]
A comparison of distance metrics for the multi-objective pathfinding problem
Weise, Jens; Mostaghim, Sanaz
In: Natural computing - Dordrecht : Springer Science + Business Media B.V. . - 2022, insges. 14 S. [Online first]
Conditional generative adversarial networks applied to EEG data can inform about the inter-relation of antagonistic behaviors on a neural level
Vahid, Amirali; Mückschel, Moritz; Stober, Sebastian; Stock, Ann-Kathrin; Beste, Christian
In: Communications biology - London : Springer Nature, Bd. 5 (2022), Heft 1, Artikel 148, insges. 11 S.
Towards a real-time control of robotic ultrasound using haptic force feedback
Schreiter, Josefine; Semshchikov, Vladimir; Hanses, Magnus; Elkmann, Norbert; Hansen, Christian
In: Current directions in biomedical engineering - Berlin : De Gruyter, Bd. 8 (2022), Heft 1, S. 81-84
Non-monotonic fibril surface occlusion by GFP tags from coarse-grained molecular simulations
Shillcock, Julian C.; Hastings, Janna; Riguet, Nathan; Lashuel, Hilal A.
In: Computational and structural biotechnology journal - Gotenburg : Research Network of Computational and Structural Biotechnology (RNCSB), Bd. 20 (2022), S. 309-321
Exploring dynamic pandemic containment strategies using multi-objective Optimization [research frontier]
Fischer, Dominik; Mostaghim, Sanaz; Seidelmann, Thomas
In: IEEE computational intelligence magazine / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - New York, NY [u.a.] : IEEE, Bd. 17 (2022), Heft 3, S. 54-65