What I got from the comic is that shortcuts don't help. If you are supposed to do some task which involves some research work , then do it in a correct way by reading the reference materials and deducing information from it and then noting it down along with your own suggestions, if any. If you take shortcuts and just try to copy from someone else's research then the person should be punished, no matter what intentions were originally there, and strict actions should be taken so that the person won't repeat it again.
I have experienced it during my ppsw assignment where I wrote the whole paper on my own, but since I was running out of time I copied few sentences from other research paper. And as a result I got failed in that assignment. From that I have learnt that I should never copy someone else's work as it is not fair for the efforts of the other person.
Dangers of Plagiarism
This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
In our faculty, we take this initiative to build awareness about plagiarism like other universities across the globe like the Oxford University, Carnegie Mellon University, and Cambridge University to name a few. Different universities have faced this issue with young students and in our faculty, we have come across incidents in the recent past, where the student was exmatriculated on proven charges of plagiarism and other academic misconduct. Thus, it is imperative on us to build this awareness from SI@FIN.
You can find more about plagiarism by clicking on this website.