22.11.2023 : Recruiter's Event 2023



Event: Recruiter's Event 2023

Date: 22 November 2023

Location: Building G29 - Room 307

Participants: 70

Event Summary:

The Recruiters’ Event took place in G29 307 at OVGU campus. There was an audience of approximately 70 students. It started with a brief introduction of the academic club followed by an introduction of the actual event by Shashankh MG. After introducing the panelists and seating them on the stage, we started off with the first half of the event.

The event was divided into two sections:
The first named “Panel discussion” was when the moderators (Sharath Kumar and Vachana Visweswaraiah) posed five questions regarding various facets of the German job market with respect to a student’s profile. Each of the panelists had an opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions about the topic being discussed. The panel discussion covered a variety of topics like - How does the cover letter and CV look like? How important is the master’s thesis? Does it matter to have prior work experience? How critical are language skills?, among others, were discussed during the panel discussion.




At the end of the first half of the event, questions raised from the audience were asked by moderators (Nitin Bharadwaj Nataraj and Gananashri Kota Venkatesh) directly to the panelists.

The second half of the event was “Networking session” where the audience got the opportunity to speak to recruiters directly and ask their questions and concerns. With a vote of thanks from Taruna Tiwari following the second session, the event came to a successful conclusion.


Last Modification: 22.01.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster