
Informations for Participating PhD Students

(Informationen auf Deutsch)

The MIT is a platform for presenting the current research of PhD students at the faculty of computer science. It is an alternative for the so-called Doktorandentag.
The submission and reviewing process for MIT is similar to a conference. Each paper submitted by a PhD student is reviewed, both by other PhD students and by professors of the faculty. The aim of the reviewing process is to provide students feedback and to ensure a high standard of accepted paper.
Upon acceptance, a camera ready paper is submitted. This paper, together with a list of publications, is distributed among the members of the session committee.
This committee consists of professors and post-docs of the faculty and will assess the paper and the oral presentation at the PhD Conference.
The committee nominates this year's "Best Contribution". In addition to an award, the winning PhD student has the opportunity to present his/her work on the MIT website.
All accepted papers are published online and in hard copy (with ISBN) by the Magdeburg university press.

Papers should be written in English, comply with the IEEE Conference Style, and comprise 6-8 pages. The paper, as well as an additional publication list, must be submitted as portable document format file (pdf). Oral presentation (15 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussion) at the conference can be in English or German.

The audience of MIT are members of the faculty, as well as guests and invited speakers. Thus the submission and oral presentation should address a broader audience with a background in computer science. It should include 1) a clear exposition of the research, with a definition of the research question therein, 2) provide a comprehensive overview on the state of the art, 3) present at least one core result of the thesis, its implementation and validation.

May 7  May 14  Submission (via EasyChair)  - extended!
May 21  May 28  Reviews due
May 28  June 4  Notification of acceptance
June 18  Camera ready submission
July 8     PhD Conference

For further details, please consult the call for papers.

Last Modification: 11.07.2019 - Contact Person: Webmaster