Am 28. & 29.01. 2019 fanden folgende Vorträge statt:

Name (Institut)


Nico Mertens (ISG)

Visualization of Multimodal Medical Image Date - A 3D-Map-Based-Approach

Andreas Meister (ITI)

GPU-based dynamic programming for join-order optimization

Alexander Dockhorn (IKS)

Generalisation of Simulation-Based Search for Autonomous Gameplaying

Roman Zoun (ITI)

Internet of Big Things - Streamification of Synchronous Bulk Processes

Georg Hille (ISG)

Computer-assisted approaches for supporting radiofrequency ablations of spinal metastase

Yang Li (ITI)

Feature and Variability Extraction from Natural language Requirements Specifications

Francesco Sportelli (IKS)

Supporting conceptual modelling in ORM by Reasoning

Benjamin Hatscher (ISG)

Touchless, direct input methods for human-computer interaction to support image-guided interventions

Xiao Chen (ITI)

Entity Resolution for Big Data

Patricio Fuentealba (IKS) Automatic fetal distress assessment during labor based on a progressive analysis of the cardiocraphic recording
Marcus Pinnecke (ITI) Backend/Databse Co-Design for Rapid Webservice Prototyping
Dennis Sprute (ISG) Human-Robot Interaction for the Definition of Robots' Virtual Borders in a Smart Home
Madura Thosar (IKS) What Stands-in for a Missing Tool - A Grounded and Robot-centric Knowledge-based Approach to Tool Substitution

Am 02.09.2019 fanden folgende Vorträge statt:

Benjamin Behrendt (ISG)

Visual Exploration and Comparison of Cardiac and Cerebral Blood Flow Data

Otmane Azeroual (ITI)

Untersuchungen zur Datenqualität und Nutzerakzeptanz von Forschungsinformationssystemen

Michael Kotzyba (ITI)

User Behavior Models for Exploratory Information Seeking

Uli Niemann (ITI)

Intelligent Assistance for Expert-Driven Subpopulation Discovery in High-Dimensional Time-Stamped Medical Data

Enes Esatbeyoglu (ITI)

Datengetriebenes Konzept zur Luftqualitätsprädikation

Xenija Neufeld (IKS)

Long-term Planning and Reactive Execution in Highly Dynamic Enviroments

Jacob Krüger (ITI)

Feature-Oriented Re-Engineering of Cloned Systems into an Integrated Platform: Developers' Knowledge and its Costs

Letzte Änderung: 15.02.2023 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster